1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by eshearm January 23rd 2015, 7:16 pm

Hi guys anyone know who might have mad this cigar ashtray, thoughts are skrdlovice or Jiri harcuba.  Could be one of the Scandinavian factories just not sure.


1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Img_0010

1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Img_0011

1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Img_0012

1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Img_0013

1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Img_0014

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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by denbydump January 23rd 2015, 10:47 pm

I'd always understood these "Clam" vases were Murano.

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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by eshearm January 24th 2015, 7:03 am

It's not a vase it can stand on its side, this style was made by other glass makers as ashtrays, you cannot hold enough water less than an inch x

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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by Nic January 24th 2015, 10:08 am

They were made by several Murano glassworks, but this is most likely by Cenedese, c.1980s-90s.

It is probably more a decorative dish than a functional piece of glass. An ashtray would need a more secure way of keeping the lit end of the cigar/ette from contacting with the glass when resting it.

1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell 1b
1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell 4b

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Location : N.E. Lincolnshire, England
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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by eshearm January 24th 2015, 1:21 pm

ok, done some more digging this is a clamshell ashtray/vase 19580/60s by Fratelli Tosa, it has the double faceted sides. Although this one does not have clear channels for cigarettes. A yellow example is on the bigashtray.com website. Weight and size match as well.

Number of posts : 176
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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by Nic January 24th 2015, 10:40 pm

The one claimed to be Fratelli Toso on that website is also very likely Cenedese.

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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by eshearm January 25th 2015, 5:27 pm

Nic mural glass is a veritable mine field! Think I will concede to just enjoy it and not worry who made it! I agree it could well be by cenedese, shows you cannot go on what people say on the Internet as gospel! That's why I come to you guys when I am not sure great minds and all that xx

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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by CMC January 31st 2015, 10:00 pm

I have one signed Oball Murano so probably impossible to pin down to a specific glass house
This one has 2 polished flats on the so can be displayed either straight up or on it's side.1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell SDC12787

1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell SDC12786

1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell SDC12788

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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

Post by Nic February 1st 2015, 12:38 am

All of the Oball ones I've seen have been in transparent cased glass - Cenedese tended to execute them with opalescence and opaque opal casing.

Of course, there will likely be examples from both factories (and others) doing exactly the opposite.

Male Number of posts : 2391
Age : 44
Location : N.E. Lincolnshire, England
Registration date : 2008-03-21


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1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell Empty Re: 1950s cigar ashtray scandinavian or czech - Murano Clamshell

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