Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by rbrown December 16th 2012, 7:01 pm

This pot is approx 6" tall. mark is very clear but who made it?

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Copy_o10
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Copy_o11

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by Nik December 16th 2012, 11:06 pm

I think I have something with this mark somewhere. The same mark is posted on Ceramike - - search for "bow tie".
attributed to: BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by numes2 January 19th 2015, 8:54 pm

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_0513

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Willia10

Number of posts : 60
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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by NaomiM January 20th 2015, 12:17 am

I've seen one on the Ceramike website with this mark attributed to BW Pottery, Byfield Northants. But I don't know anything about the pottery.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by numes2 January 20th 2015, 5:46 pm

Thank you for the link. On Ceramike is also referred as Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery in Byfield, working around '70....Leach "family"?

Number of posts : 60
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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by studio-pots January 20th 2015, 6:06 pm

It does appear that the ID on Mike S's site was done by someone having a pot with the mark and a paper label so pretty conclusive.

Other than it saying that it was in Northamptonshire and it had been run by a couple (the Buchanan-Wollaston's) and then by their daughter there doesn't appear to be any other information elsewhere that I can find. Hand made stoneware was fashionable in the UK during the 1970s and many potteries closed towards the end of that decade.

So no connection with Bill Marshall, Cornwall or the Leach Pottery.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by studio-pots January 25th 2015, 10:43 am

From the information that we have we don't know if this was made by Mr. or Mrs. Buchanan-Woollaston or their daughter.

Despite what I wrote above and the fact that none of these people worked with Bernard Leach the vase is certainly in the Leach Anglo-Oriental style. A Potter's Book by Bernard Leach was read and followed by many who potted in the UK and elsewhere during the 20th century.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7812
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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Jug Marked MW - possibly BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants

Post by stardust* November 5th 2016, 10:21 pm

Found today, beautiful jug but I can't decide if it's MW, William Marshall? someone with more experience will probably know from looking at the jug. Some help to id please.

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_0512
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_0513
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_0514

Female Number of posts : 409
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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by NaomiM November 5th 2016, 10:59 pm

It's a bit like the one for West Byfield pottery

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_0210

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by stardust* November 14th 2016, 11:41 am

Thanks for your advice. I'm not so sure about the Byfield mark, but this could be a later version?
I'm struggling with this one, all the similar marks in the book Michael Welsh, Matt Waite, Alan Ashpool (DX maybe) or Mary White (still haven't completely ruled her out) don't relate when I see their work....I think this will have to wait a while, until something comes up.

Female Number of posts : 409
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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty brown jug with backstamp - Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, Byfield

Post by debbie32 April 2nd 2017, 11:07 am

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_2041
I have picked up a lovely 6" tall brown jug with a clear backstamp, I cant find it in the BSPM, does anyone recognise the maker or the pattern? thank you
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_2039
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_2038
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_2036
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Img_2040

Last edited by NaomiM on April 2nd 2017, 8:33 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : photo)

Number of posts : 258
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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Stoneware carafe and cup set, mark is 2 triangles - Buchanan Wollaston Pott

Post by benwilliams February 15th 2019, 3:33 pm

Stoneware, 70s style look, Mark is clear but can’t see it in my marks book

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Ebef0010
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  15917a10
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  000e6e10

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by NaomiM November 1st 2019, 4:02 pm

A bit more info:

BW Pottery - Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston who potted at Byfield, Northamptonshire from 1975 until he passed away in 1983

I've merged a couple of pots with a square stamp, rather than the more usual round stamp, after the decoration on Debbie's jug showed that they are by the same potter.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32207
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston

Post by LittleM November 6th 2022, 10:32 pm

Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  20220912
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  20220913
Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  20220914

Number of posts : 22
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Registration date : 2022-09-18

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

Post by NaomiM November 6th 2022, 11:39 pm

By Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32207
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Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.  Empty Re: Nigel Buchanan-Wollaston Pottery, BW Pottery, Byfield, Northants.

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