Table much like Pearsall or Kagan- who made it?
20th Century Forum :: General & Interior Design Identification / Research :: Furniture, Clocks & Mirrors
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Table much like Pearsall or Kagan- who made it?
Hello all. I was the lucky bidder at auction today. I am getting very tired of image searches! The table is very much like an Adrian Pearsall and is finished with black rubber or plastic at the end of the uprights, which having owned (and sold) the Pearsall 1645-T and compass tables I am familiar with. Kogan has his tri-symmetric table in the Brooklyn Museum, which is also quite similar EXCEPT my table has four legs, not thee! The major difference is this table has a square atop the junction between the uprights, and a vertical rib where each pair of legs/uprights comes together which is quite different from the work that I know by either designer. The glass is 1/2" thick and just under 42" in diameter. The height of the table is just over 27". Thank you in advance.
Last edited by speaktothequeen on January 6th 2015, 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total
speaktothequeen- Number of posts : 84
Location : Maynard MA
Registration date : 2014-05-13
Re: Table much like Pearsall or Kagan- who made it?
Here is the square piece and the one of the ribs I am talking about.
speaktothequeen- Number of posts : 84
Location : Maynard MA
Registration date : 2014-05-13
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