Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

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Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Empty Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

Post by Adam20 Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:40 pm

Here is a bull in blue with white slip decoration - no marks, any ideas


Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Img_1812

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Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Empty Re: Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

Post by NaomiM Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:47 pm

Did Llangollen Pottery ever do bulls?

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Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Empty Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

Post by brin mcardle Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:15 pm

Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Copie152

Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Copie153

Its quite different to their usual stuff ?
brin mcardle
brin mcardle

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Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Empty Re: Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

Post by NaomiM Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:27 pm

The pottery is in a place - Dulyn - in Wales. I don't know who the potter is but it looks very similar to Llangollen slipware so maybe there is a link.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Empty Re: Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

Post by NaomiM Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:31 pm

Just found a reference to Bill Moore potting at Dulyn. Edited to add, it's not the Bill Moore in the Marks book who started potting at least a decade or two after Dulyn Pottery was established.

Last edited by NaomiM on Wed Jan 19, 2022 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Empty Re: Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

Post by brin mcardle Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:41 pm

Thanks...a couple of bits on ebay...but unlike the bull
brin mcardle
brin mcardle

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Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales Empty Re: Dulyn Pottery Slipware Bull, Wales

Post by 22 Crawford St. Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:30 pm

Pottery rabbit hole led me here researching a piece I've seen. So Bill Moore - Dulyn Pottery.

So seen three colourways on my journeys:
- Brown bull on white clay
- Brown jug with from white earthenware on pinterest marked as above DULAN POTTERY - WALES
- Blue animals with white slipware decoration from blue clay (black speckles on the blue body)


That cockerel in the Llangollen thread looks like it might be Dulyn.

Edit: Similar blue piece seen - Creigiau pottery Wales blue vase with geometric sgraffito design
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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