Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks.......

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Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... Empty Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks.......

Post by Art Lover August 13th 2014, 6:57 pm

Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... <a href=Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... Large_17" />Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... <img src=Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... Large_22" />Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... <a href=Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... Large_23" />
Can anyone possibly help me identify this large cylindrical Ice Cut Crystal Vase.  It's 12" high, 6" in diameter, thick good quality crystal with a polished pontil that rings like a bell.  I'm amazed when I find a piece that's such good quality and is not marked.  Could it be new Chinese?  I know that the Chinese are making lots of art glass now, but this seems to be much better quality than the Chinese Art Glass that I've seen.  This is all hand cut!  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!" />
Art Lover
Art Lover

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Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... Empty Re: Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks.......

Post by denbydump August 13th 2014, 7:05 pm

Looks a nice piece. Sometimes there is a tiny acid-etched mark on the base,
very hard to see without a glass, eg Edinburgh or Stewart.
Or a sticker could have come off, maybe Bohemia.

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Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... Empty Re: Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks.......

Post by bistoboy August 14th 2014, 5:49 pm

looks very familiar - Waterford crystal perhaps. Like a John Rocha design for Debenhams perhaps.

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Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks....... Empty Re: Can anyone help identify this piece, no marks.......

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