Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland

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Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland Empty Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland

Post by climberg64 July 16th 2014, 8:21 pm

Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland P1010536
Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland Imag0210

The address is Belford in Northumberland but I can't read the name of the pottery. Can anyone help? There is a craft shop at that postcode and I could ask them, I suppose.

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Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland Empty M'OB mark O'Brian O'Brien?

Post by NaomiM November 23rd 2024, 4:35 pm

Still a mystery, but this one is singed M O'B

Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland The_br10
Bamburgh Castle pottery, Brent Gallery label, Fenham le Moor Northumberland The_br11

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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