Any Ideas Please Little box.

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Any Ideas Please Little box. Empty Any Ideas Please Little box.

Post by Guest July 14th 2014, 12:39 pm

Recently purchased this little glass lidded box. Maybe for cigs? 3.5" x 1.5"

Puzzled as to why it has the order of the garter stamped on the lid.
Cant find anything like it...... Any thoughts much appreciated.
The glass is bevelled on all edges/corners and the lid is well fitted (the top of the glass box recessed) silver plated I think.

Any Ideas Please Little box. 2014-045

Any Ideas Please Little box. 2014-046

Any Ideas Please Little box. 2014-047

Any Ideas Please Little box. 2014-048

Any Ideas Please Little box. 2014-049

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Any Ideas Please Little box. Empty Re: Any Ideas Please Little box.

Post by NaomiM July 14th 2014, 12:41 pm

I think if it was the order of the garter it would include the motto.
May be something to do with the scouts? Or possibly just something to do with cleaning belts.

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Any Ideas Please Little box. Empty Re: Any Ideas Please Little box.

Post by Guest July 14th 2014, 12:50 pm

Thanks Noami for your ideas, I was puzzled as to why the motto was missing, also wondered if it might have been part of a set within a case or something?

I've been looking for a few days and can't find anything like it  Shrugs 


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