Can you help me identify this pair of vases ?

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Can you help me identify this pair of vases ? Empty Can you help me identify this pair of vases ?

Post by Art Deco Du centre July 11th 2014, 6:39 pm

Can you help me to identify this pair of vases?

Can you help me identify this pair of vases ? Dscn0310

Can you help me identify this pair of vases ? Dscn0311

Can you help me identify this pair of vases ? Dscn0312
Art Deco Du centre
Art Deco Du centre

Male Number of posts : 2
Age : 59
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2014-07-04

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Can you help me identify this pair of vases ? Empty Re: Can you help me identify this pair of vases ?

Post by cookiepops July 11th 2014, 7:51 pm

they would look great in my cabinet with all my other stuff :)

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Can you help me identify this pair of vases ? Empty Re: Can you help me identify this pair of vases ?

Post by JoFish July 17th 2014, 3:18 pm

Lovely, look Bohemian to me, could be French I guess. My first thought was Harrach.

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Can you help me identify this pair of vases ? Empty Re: Can you help me identify this pair of vases ?

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