London Pottery lidded box

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 London Pottery lidded box Empty London Pottery lidded box

Post by NaomiM July 6th 2014, 2:51 am

What & where is the London Pottery? Thought this might be Fulham Pottery but not so sure; this isn't the stoneware I was expecting. There's one that makes teapots, but they have a different logo.

 London Pottery lidded box Dscn8137

 London Pottery lidded box Dscn8138

 London Pottery lidded box Dscn8139

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 London Pottery lidded box Empty Re: London Pottery lidded box

Post by studio-pots July 6th 2014, 8:53 am

I have never heard of London Pottery until you started this thread but would guess that this comes from the same company that wholesales the teapots.

That company based in Wimbledon has been in operation since 1984 so a change in logo wouldn't be out of the question. Their address is that of a shop so it looks as if they don't have a factory of their own but get other companies to produce goods that they distribute.

The look of the lidded box does suggest late 20th century to me.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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 London Pottery lidded box Empty Re: London Pottery lidded box

Post by NaomiM July 6th 2014, 1:29 pm

Thanks SP. Looks like the sort of thing they'd sell in National Trust shops.

Edited to add link to post about The London Pottery Company. Unknown if it's the same pottery that made this box

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