belgian pottery

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belgian pottery Empty belgian pottery

Post by big ed June 7th 2014, 1:14 pm

I have noticed that some of the Belgian Pottery of a certain style mainly from around the arts & crafts Period is going up in price , I was picking up the odd piece for around £5-£10 but now it's starting to grow especially the higher quality pieces incorperating applied animal figures and the like , got this piece nice and cheap , it's 19" high , very elegant imo
belgian pottery Newark24
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
Age : 70
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Registration date : 2008-03-22

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belgian pottery Empty Re: belgian pottery

Post by NaomiM June 7th 2014, 2:25 pm

Sell! Something must be driving it up. I can't imagine there are a load of collectors of just Belgium pottery suddenly appearing out of the woodwork.

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belgian pottery Empty Re: belgian pottery

Post by big ed June 7th 2014, 4:27 pm

maybe not , Iv'e been selling it for years now and getting a good price ,admitedly to a small group , I can see it going up though ....sell? of course I will , I always do  Laughter 
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
Age : 70
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belgian pottery Empty Re: belgian pottery

Post by NaomiM June 7th 2014, 7:53 pm

In a lot of these cases it's just a handful of collectors buying everything up. As soon as they run out of money or interest the price drops again.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32211
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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