Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by DIANE September 12th 2011, 2:23 pm

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Blue10

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Blmk10

Very heavy

Female Number of posts : 163
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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by Potty September 12th 2011, 9:06 pm

Having had a better look, I think it is by Crail Pottery.

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by DIANE September 14th 2011, 7:36 am

Carol Grieve from Crail Pottery has confirmed this is by Steven Grieve and potted about ten years ago. Well done Potty, thanks to all for their input. Most Excellent

Female Number of posts : 163
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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Crail Pottery Scotland

Post by Sepultus June 1st 2014, 9:32 am

Founded by Stephen and Carol Grieve in 1965.

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Crail110

Website is:

Last edited by Sepultus on June 1st 2014, 9:45 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Add link)

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by denbydump April 4th 2015, 4:23 pm

7 inch Jug, may be an early piece, as the website (above) doesn't seem to mention
tin-glazing as one of the current techniques.

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  100_2311

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  100_2312

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by climberg64 August 24th 2015, 1:45 pm

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Image43

Tiny Crail pot.

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by climberg64 August 24th 2015, 1:46 pm

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Image44

Crail pot base.

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by wildmantel February 23rd 2016, 9:47 pm

Just a small saucer/dish, sadly watermarked

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Dscn1114   Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Dscn1115

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Pottery mark - Crail Pottery

Post by peterart March 19th 2017, 8:32 pm

Anyone able to help??
Not known mark.

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Img_1610
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Img_1614

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty 2 matching planters - Crail Pottery, Scotland

Post by Froggery May 1st 2018, 1:04 pm

2 matching planters, with a distinctive mark. It is so distinctive I cannot make it out, Cran... Pottery. Thank you so much! Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Image110
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  P1140435
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  P1140434
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  P1140433

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Crail Pottery - Scotland

Post by peterart October 12th 2019, 10:30 am

Hi All
Does anyone know this pottery?
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Dsc_0818
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Dsc_0819
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Dsc_0820

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Bread crock, Crail Pottery, Scotland

Post by HelenC November 5th 2021, 10:36 am

Picked up this jar at auction as no-one else seemed to want it - didn’t realise what size it was but it’s HUGE, around 15in high. I’d like to know who made it - there  is a stamp, ch….. pottery? But mostly I’d love to know what it is for, and the purpose of the muslin stopper in the hole in the lid? My best guess is something fermenting, to let gases escape?

The plan is to lose the lid and house a plant in it, but I’d like to find out a bit more about it first.
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  66a8e310
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  367da610
Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  74096c10

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by NaomiM November 5th 2021, 10:51 am

By Crail Pottery in Scotland.
I guess it's a potato storage pot or their version of a Rumtopf?

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by HelenC November 5th 2021, 10:55 am

Thank you - that’s so quick! Rumtopf seems possible, it’s huge but I don’t think quite potato storage huge. Now I have a maker though I might be able to track down the pattern.

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by NaomiM November 5th 2021, 10:59 am

Or a bread bin?

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by HelenC November 5th 2021, 1:25 pm

Spot on Naomi, Sarah at Crail Pottery has just come back to me and said it’s a bread crock. Not sure my kitchen will accommodate such a substantial storage vessel but I will find a use for it!

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by NaomiM November 5th 2021, 1:33 pm

Most Excellent

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by 22 Crawford St. November 5th 2021, 6:25 pm

Breadmaking is fashionable again - give it a go
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by HelenC November 8th 2021, 7:33 am

My husband makes all of our bread, but it doesn’t hang around long enough to need a crock of this size 😋

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty CRAIL POTTERY FIFE SCOTLAND - Stephen & Carol Grieve

Post by philpot April 17th 2023, 10:17 pm

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Img_0967Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Img_0968

An earthenware water/ coffee jug . The mark reads Crail Pottery. The Yates-Owen/Robert Fournier books gives three entries for Crail Pottery in Nethergate, Fife, All under the Grieve surname. Ironically, none of the marks matched this one. It definitely reads Crail pottery, as I double checked it!

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by NaomiM April 17th 2023, 11:37 pm

Family of potters who set up three potteries Fife. Yours is by Stephen and Carol Grieve who set up the original Crail Pottery in 1965. Their children and their spouses set up the other two potteries: Ben and Jane Greave set up Crail Earthenware in 1996. And Sarah Mills and Ian Grieve set up Crail Ceramics in 1996

Last edited by NaomiM on April 18th 2023, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by philpot April 18th 2023, 11:54 am

Thanks for clearing that up Naomi. It did not have a slightly older feel to it. Who uses this sort of jug nowadays?

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by NaomiM April 18th 2023, 1:34 pm

I guess they're used as vases these days

Crail vase

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Img_7634Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Img_7633

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

Post by NaomiM July 25th 2024, 1:29 am

Sad to hear that Stephen Grieve died recently

Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Img_5926

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland  Empty Re: Stephen and Carol Grieve, Crail Pottery, Fife, Scotland

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