Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe

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Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe  Empty Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe

Post by NaomiM April 11th 2014, 12:06 am

Spotted one with this mark and decoration on ebay attributed to William Ruscoe, (pg, 438 in British Studio Potters Marks, 2nd edition) but I have my doubts as they seem to be basing the attribution on the BSPM book which states the WR is written or incised; not stamped. It has a Briglin (or Wye) Pottery look to it, so maybe by one of their ex-potters? Also they look like standard ware and I don't think Ruscoe was making standard ware

Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe  Ddd47310

Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe  Fd8aef10

Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe  Dscn9829

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Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe  Empty Re: Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe

Post by Pugmill October 8th 2023, 9:57 am

Another example. Still a mystery.

Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe  Screen22
Jug, WR mark - not William Ruscoe  Screen23

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Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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