twisted filigrana vase

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twisted filigrana vase Empty twisted filigrana vase

Post by styleinvasion March 6th 2014, 6:24 pm

twisted filigrana vase P1290910   twisted filigrana vase P1290911  twisted filigrana vase P1290912  twisted filigrana vase P1290913

bought this one today but have no idea who it is by or where it is from or how old it is...
a better chinese new one from tk-max? scandi or czech or italian?
i'll make better pics tomorrow without a flash in daylight

Number of posts : 1348
Location : germany
Registration date : 2010-12-11

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twisted filigrana vase Empty Re: twisted filigrana vase

Post by styleinvasion March 7th 2014, 1:32 pm

twisted filigrana vase P1290914 twisted filigrana vase P1290915 twisted filigrana vase P1290916

three more pics... i've tried to find it...
nothing so far

Number of posts : 1348
Location : germany
Registration date : 2010-12-11

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