Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery

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Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Empty Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery

Post by Nik March 4th 2014, 8:38 pm

6" diameter, chunky, but well made. Distinctive 'fruit' tree mark.

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  P1000954

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  P1000955

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  P1000956

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Fruit_10

Last edited by studio-pots on November 12th 2020, 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : tidying up title)

Male Number of posts : 265
Location : Southport
Registration date : 2011-11-02

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Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Empty Re: Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery

Post by NaomiM August 23rd 2020, 10:31 pm

By Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery, Barrowden, Rutland

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32166
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Empty Re: Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery

Post by NaomiM November 12th 2020, 3:46 pm

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Babald10

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Babald11

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Babald12

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Babald14

Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Babald13

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32166
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery  Empty Re: Babs and Al Baldwin, Apple Tree Pottery

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