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I'm sure I'll be knocked over in the rush to confirm that this is modern Chinese!! Am I right ?
Thanks for looking
I'm sure I'll be knocked over in the rush to confirm that this is modern Chinese!! Am I right ?
Thanks for looking
lindylou08- Number of posts : 655
Location : West Sussex
Registration date : 2012-11-09
Re: Chinese?
As you are probably aware glass really isn't my thing but there looks to be rather alot of wear on the base for it to be that modern - unless they are faking that too these days.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Chinese?
lindylou08- Number of posts : 655
Location : West Sussex
Registration date : 2012-11-09
Re: Chinese?
I thought that too. Where are all the clever glass people tonight?
lindylou08- Number of posts : 655
Location : West Sussex
Registration date : 2012-11-09
Re: Chinese?
Glass people tend to be very religious so church I guess.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Chinese?
Looks like a piece of Madruzzato to me
user9318- Number of posts : 198
Location : UK
Registration date : 2012-10-25
Re: Chinese?
It looks Murano, hard to say for sure if Mandruzzato or not, perhaps inspired by as the yellow band is not as tight and neat as you might expect.
The Chinese wares that copy this kind of style are (at the moment) often very chunky and the bands of colour can be wide and not well controlled.
The Chinese wares that copy this kind of style are (at the moment) often very chunky and the bands of colour can be wide and not well controlled.
JoFish- Number of posts : 211
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2010-11-23
Re: Chinese?
Would there be any clues on the base that it may be Chinese. There are a good few wear marks. When did all these Chinese imports start coming in to the UK??
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your help
lindylou08- Number of posts : 655
Location : West Sussex
Registration date : 2012-11-09
Re: Chinese?
No one detail is usually enough to make a judgement, you have to consider the whole object and all of the characteristics. Many bases on recent Chinese imports were left unpolished with a rough ground finish. The same is true of much studio glass... As it happens, the finish on many Chinese wares is getting more refined and the general quality may well slowly increase as time goes on.
The main flood of cheap Chinese glass exports seems to have arrived in the last decade but they have been exporting glass for at least the last hundred years (often called Peking glass here), paperweights have been arriving since the 1920s.
The main flood of cheap Chinese glass exports seems to have arrived in the last decade but they have been exporting glass for at least the last hundred years (often called Peking glass here), paperweights have been arriving since the 1920s.
JoFish- Number of posts : 211
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2010-11-23
Re: Chinese?
Thanks for your thoughts
lindylou08- Number of posts : 655
Location : West Sussex
Registration date : 2012-11-09
Re: Chinese?
looks like a chinese murano copy to me...
jut because of the not that well controlled layers of glass....
jut because of the not that well controlled layers of glass....
Re: Chinese?
Yes I had come to that conclusion unfortunately
lindylou08- Number of posts : 655
Location : West Sussex
Registration date : 2012-11-09
Re: Chinese?
I really thinks it's Murano - the layer control isn't bad at all and the colours are good for Murano rather than Chinese. I'm the first to say Chinese as a rule
Re: Chinese?
Plenty of Murano is not 'first 'quality.
JoFish- Number of posts : 211
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2010-11-23
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