fyllehund dog decanter

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fyllehund dog decanter Empty fyllehund dog decanter

Post by bistoboy January 5th 2014, 10:18 pm

fyllehund dog decanter Dscf7314

fyllehund dog decanter Dscf7315

fyllehund dog decanter Dscf7316

fyllehund dog decanter Dscf7317

hoping someone can date, name etc this glass decanter made in the shape of a dog or gin pig.  I've seen a few online that were Scandinavian but also a few that were English.  Does anyone recognise the etched mark on his bottom?

Male Number of posts : 1637
Location : portsmouth
Registration date : 2009-05-27


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fyllehund dog decanter Empty Re: fyllehund dog decanter

Post by Nic January 6th 2014, 1:09 am

I can't make the mark out, but I'd guess mid-to-late C20 and Swedish.

It's a traditional design across much of Europe, but the glass is very white (glass from 100+ years ago tends to have a greyer hue) and the fact that it's hand-signed without being an artist-designed object points towards the latter half of the last century. And this form seems to have been preserved in Sweden more than anywhere else - newer Danish ones, for example, tend to have four individual legs rather than two stylised loops.

Male Number of posts : 2391
Age : 44
Location : N.E. Lincolnshire, England
Registration date : 2008-03-21


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fyllehund dog decanter Empty Re: fyllehund dog decanter

Post by bistoboy January 6th 2014, 8:43 am

many thanks Nic - that's really interesting.

Male Number of posts : 1637
Location : portsmouth
Registration date : 2009-05-27


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