16 cm Dartington Flower Bottle vase copy or is it more interesting?

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16 cm Dartington Flower Bottle vase copy or is it more interesting? Empty 16 cm Dartington Flower Bottle vase copy or is it more interesting?

Post by RVsaid December 17th 2013, 9:29 am


I think this is a modern copy of the recent Dartington bottle vases with a very slim chance it is something more interesting say Riihamaean. There are pressed lines running down the side and a flat bottom which negates Dartington.

16 cm Dartington Flower Bottle vase copy or is it more interesting? Adart10

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16 cm Dartington Flower Bottle vase copy or is it more interesting? Empty Re: 16 cm Dartington Flower Bottle vase copy or is it more interesting?

Post by Jeffingtons January 23rd 2014, 10:53 pm

I've seen these somewhere. I think they were sold by Sainsbury's or Homebase or similar. Can't remember where I saw them

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Location : Birmingham, UK
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