Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery

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Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery Empty Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery

Post by sunnyices2 November 19th 2013, 4:45 pm

Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery Img-2104

Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery Img-2105

Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery Img-2106

Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery Img-2107

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery Empty Re: Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery

Post by NaomiM November 20th 2018, 9:11 pm

via her website wrote:I originally trained as a tile-stove builder in Hamburg, before travelling across Europe working in potteries in Germany, France and Scotland. In 1990 I came to Cromarty to work in Alison Dunn’s Cromarty Pottery, and have been here ever since.

Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery C29fe110

Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery A4604810

Barbel Dister, Cromarty Pottery A4604810

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32733
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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