Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight

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Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight Empty Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight

Post by RVsaid June 25th 2013, 9:01 am

I'm not sure about this piece at all, obviously there is the Brading place IoW but are there any well known potters?

Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight P1040212

Last edited by NaomiM on January 27th 2022, 3:32 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : tidying thread)

Number of posts : 1469
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight Empty Re: Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight

Post by NaomiM June 25th 2013, 9:53 am

Yes, it's Brading Pottery, which was based in Brading, IOW.  I don't think it's still in operation, but you can find examples of their slipware on google images.

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Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight Empty Re: Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight

Post by RVsaid June 25th 2013, 10:00 am

Cheers, I was on Bing and there wasn't anything

Number of posts : 1469
Location : Torbay, England
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Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight Empty Re: Krystyna Young, Brading Pottery, Isle of Wight

Post by NaomiM January 21st 2021, 2:04 pm

Useful bit of info - "Krystyna Young (nee Trzebski) worked at Brading Pottery before setting up Haseley Manor."  'Worked at' implies she didn't run it, so the owner is possibly still unknown.
Andrew Dowden has written a book on IoW pottery, titled A Century of Ceramics. In it he covers 27 potters:

Harry Edmund Pritchett - Pritchett Pottery,
Isle of Wight Handcraft Pottery (often referred to as 'Saunders'),
Ray and Sybil Parsons - Yellowsands/Bembridge Pottery,
Harold Charlesworth,
Joe Lester and Joseph Lester,
Westlake Pottery,
John Reilly,
[Ian Saul] Saul Pottery,
Don Beckley,
Kenneth A Scotcher,
Jack Manning,
Tony Bristow - Bristow Pottery,
Martyn Gilchrist - Bembridge Pottery,
Krystyna Young - Brading Pottery/Haseley Manor Pottery,
Andrew Bristow - Bonchurch Pottery,
Wendy Franklin - Brickfields Pottery,
John and Sheila Francis A/ARCA - Chessell Pottery,
Kim Reilly - Metamorphics Pottery,
Angela Buckland,
Molly Attrill,
Paul Lewis - Lewis & Lewis Design Ltd,
Carol Jaye,
Stella Williamson,
Renella Power - Yarmouth Pottery,
Pauline Barnden,
Juliet Lainson,
Brother Alexander Tingay - Quarr Abbey Pottery.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32682
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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