ID HELP = Id this 3 drwer Black Dresser ??? Draper - Mont - or who.

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ID HELP = Id this 3 drwer Black Dresser ??? Draper - Mont - or who. Empty ID HELP = Id this 3 drwer Black Dresser ??? Draper - Mont - or who.

Post by rbjr326 June 24th 2013, 12:25 am

What do you think - who is this chest by?  Draper it is along the lines of her Espana line - but it has that center decoration that looks a bit James Mont and the pulls through me - it is all original. HELP please - Thanks for your time and efforts. Rbjr326 

ID HELP = Id this 3 drwer Black Dresser ??? Draper - Mont - or who. Mydrap14

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Location : South Florida
Registration date : 2011-01-14

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