Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket

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Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket Empty Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket

Post by m85 June 9th 2013, 2:27 pm

Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket P1000524
Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket P1000525
Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket P1000526
Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket P1000527
Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket P1000528
Is this Fenton Glass? green/pink bowl or basket P1000529

Male Number of posts : 21
Age : 39
Location : Netherlands
Registration date : 2013-05-11

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