Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

Post by DIANE May 25th 2013, 11:31 am

Another vase I am trying to identify, the scene is different on both sides

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Brn10

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Brnmk10

Female Number of posts : 161
Registration date : 2011-04-21

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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Re: Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

Post by Potty May 25th 2013, 4:23 pm

There is an example here:

Just under half way down the list, one reply says "was made at Cirencester Workshops, now called Brewery Arts. It was made by a young couple but I can't remember their name. He went on to teach in a school."

Funnily enough this potters work was one some of first nice studio pottery I had ever seen (my godfather was telling me about some pieces he had), that was probably 12-14 years ago though.

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

Number of posts : 3581
Location : Midlands
Registration date : 2010-09-28

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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse slipware and sgraffito decoration

Post by Potty May 25th 2013, 5:48 pm

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Gw_110 Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Gw_210 Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Gw_310

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

Number of posts : 3581
Location : Midlands
Registration date : 2010-09-28

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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Re: Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

Post by DIANE May 26th 2013, 12:27 pm

That ones just gorgeous, do you still think its the same potter.
I've tried to take some pictures outside in the sunshine

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Vase111

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Vase211

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Vase311

Female Number of posts : 161
Registration date : 2011-04-21

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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Re: Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

Post by Potty May 26th 2013, 4:39 pm

I'm certain it is, the decoration on mine is done in the same way as yours, but slip / glaze has been used to highlight the detail. Both pots look well potted to me. Most Excellent

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

Number of posts : 3581
Location : Midlands
Registration date : 2010-09-28

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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Re: Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

Post by NaomiM February 12th 2021, 10:48 pm

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Mgriff12
Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Mgriff11
Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Mgriff10

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Re: Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

Post by NaomiM February 12th 2021, 10:51 pm

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Mgriff14
Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Mgriff15
Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Mgriff13

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Img_6010

Last edited by NaomiM on July 24th 2023, 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32726
Location : Hampshire
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Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop Empty Re: Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop

Post by parmaviolets February 19th 2021, 2:32 pm

Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop 20210211
Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop 20210210
Martin Griffiths and Jennifer Whitehouse, Cirencester Workshop 20210212

Number of posts : 52
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Registration date : 2017-12-29

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