Murano Elephant

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Murano Elephant Empty Murano Elephant

Post by Mr Punch April 23rd 2013, 2:42 am

Could anyone please give me any info as to where or who ( artist maybe ) ! this elephant was made !. I believe it to be a Murano Glass Elephant with applied cane eyes, it's approx 10"inches Tall to the highest point of it's trunk and it's very Heavy, colour seems to me to be grey !, although i have seen one that was described as Amethyst coloured which sold on an online auction room which looks the same colour more or less to the one i have !, but there wasn't much info on the one that sold !. Thank you in advance . Most Excellent

Murano Elephant MuranoElephant001_zps04792f93

Murano Elephant MuranoElephant002_zps54707faa
Mr Punch
Mr Punch

Male Number of posts : 66
Location : Northeast England
Registration date : 2013-04-23

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Murano Elephant Empty Re: Murano Elephant

Post by NaomiM April 23rd 2013, 8:16 am

There are quite a lot when one searches google images for Murano elephant 1930s
Found one on listed as Murano. Elephant. H. 24,5 cm. Design: 1930s. Black glass with white, black and yellow applications. which sold for 1500 euros back in 2008.
The website has a red one and more information about murano elephants.

However, I wouldn't like to hazard a guess as to whether this is an original or a copy. It's best to take it to a good auction house for an appraisal.

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Murano Elephant Empty Re: Murano Elephant

Post by Mr Punch April 23rd 2013, 10:09 am

Thank you Naomi, i did also see a red one somewhere !, i was more interested in the artist !, or maybe they were done by more than one !!.
Your knowledge and information is very much appreciated, i'll check out that website, thank you. Alan . . Happy
Mr Punch
Mr Punch

Male Number of posts : 66
Location : Northeast England
Registration date : 2013-04-23

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Murano Elephant Empty Re: Murano Elephant

Post by Oldmagpie April 23rd 2013, 7:42 pm

They look quite like the elephants I've seen produced by Mazzega in the 40's and 50's so well worth a bit of further digging. If they are original and can be attributed to this company they quite well sought after. Most Excellent

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Murano Elephant Empty Re: Murano Elephant

Post by Nic April 23rd 2013, 8:00 pm

I think everyone and their uncle has been making these on Murano since at least the 1930s... so a firm attribution to one factory could be hard.

I think the original design was by Martinuzzi for Venini, in opaque glass.

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