a lot of questions....

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a lot of questions.... Empty a lot of questions....

Post by styleinvasion April 16th 2013, 6:48 am

a lot of questions.... P1230023
a lot of questions.... P1230018 a lot of questions.... P1230019 a lot of questions.... P1230020 a lot of questions.... P1230021 a lot of questions.... P1230024 a lot of questions.... P1230025 a lot of questions.... P1230026 a lot of questions.... P1230027

anybody seen this coffeetable before?
it's just marked with a danish furniture control label...
or any knowledge about one of the other pieces....
would be great...

Number of posts : 1348
Location : germany
Registration date : 2010-12-11


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a lot of questions.... Empty Re: a lot of questions....

Post by styleinvasion April 17th 2013, 11:59 am

the green chair is a design by carlo di carli and the table lamp is supposed to be kristiansson / luxus sweden

Number of posts : 1348
Location : germany
Registration date : 2010-12-11


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a lot of questions.... Empty Re: a lot of questions....

Post by styleinvasion May 13th 2013, 11:11 am

the copper planter might be a hugh acton design....

Number of posts : 1348
Location : germany
Registration date : 2010-12-11


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a lot of questions.... Empty Re: a lot of questions....

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