Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by mal August 18th 2011, 11:10 am

can you id please?

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries <a href=coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries 20110856" />
coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries <a href=coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries 20110857" />

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by Potty August 18th 2011, 11:16 am

Dieter Kunzemann?

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by mal August 18th 2011, 11:44 am

Also discovered he died on February 26th 2010.

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Ceramic Goblet with a DK mark on foot - early Dieter Kunzmann

Post by RVsaid November 13th 2012, 9:12 am


A nice tactile generous goblet with a flourished DK mark on base rim, any ideas?

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries P1020426

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries P1020427

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by Potty November 13th 2012, 9:43 am

I can't help but think it looks a lot like the Dieter Kunzemann mark, but I've not seen anything like this by him (Or much of his work for that matter).

Maybe someone will be able to confirm him or rule it out please?

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
NaomiM wrote:I'm watching other Willies, so maybe I'll get one at some point.
studio-pots wrote:I know my raku Happy

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by RVsaid November 13th 2012, 10:00 am

I have the British Studio potter's marks book and it is a little too flourished for him. The pieces I have had before (Wheatstalks Coldstone) are impressed into the clay with very small letters almost like typing key letters were used. I picked this up yesterday and hoped that it was Dieter but also found it a cold lead.

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by RVsaid November 14th 2012, 8:11 pm

Early Dieter Kunzmann

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM March 29th 2013, 10:37 pm

Coffee set (missing saucers). Slipware decoration in the typical wheat-ear / wheatsheaf pattern.

Made by Dieter Kunzemann at the Evenlode Pottery or Coldstone Pottery 1950-70s - The fact it's stamped DK rather than having the Coldstone stamp may mean it's from the Evenlode Pottery.

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dscn9431

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dscn9432

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dscn9433

Jug was bought separately so I'll post the mark too

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dscn9434

Dieter Kunzemann was born near Leipzig, East Germany in 1928. He trained and worked with his father-in-law, country potter Chris Harries, at Coldstone Pottery from 1953-1967. In 1967 he started Evenlode Pottery in Gloucestershire. He is known for producing domestic and decorative slipware, mostly with wheatear decoration and using green, yellow and black glazes. [Died in 2011].

From John Harlow's blog :

1967-1968 The Coldstone Pottery, Ascott-under-Wychwood near Woodstock, is where I really learned to make pots in production sequences. The clay was 2 parts St Thomas's and one part local yellow clay which gave the fired pieces a mellow pink body colour rather than the stark terracotta of Stoke red clays. It was all slipware so there was a high attrition rate through collapse of greenware. Coldstone was characterised by crossed-wheatear decoration and what Chris Harries used to call "matchstick" as on this bowl [see blog]. Both difficult to do well. The glazes were lead-bisilicate transparent and Chris kept his recipes in a safe!! Coldstone was an idyllic place and something to which I aspired. It was watching the thrower, Dieter Kunzemann, who preceded my time there which turned me on to wanting to be a potter.

Last edited by NaomiM on January 18th 2017, 5:56 pm; edited 2 times in total

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Wheat Ear slip vase marked PG - Coldstone; Pat Grooms?

Post by Jeffingtons September 3rd 2013, 8:50 pm

Hi all. Hoping the combined knowledge here can help me ID a few makers of some pots I've acquired.

First up is this terracotta vase glazed in chocolate brown slip decorated with a cream wheat ear design.  
Based is impressed with pg and also has an unusual pattern or monogram that appears to written in black oxide.

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries 20130811

Side view
coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Wheat_14

Any help will be much appreciated

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM September 3rd 2013, 10:03 pm

Several potteries used the wheatsheaf slipware pattern. The most commonly found pieces were by Dieter Kunzemann and associates at the Evenlode Pottery and Coldstone Pottery, but it's not their mark.

Another was James Brooke of Appleton Pottery, but, again, it doesn't seem to be his mark.

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM September 9th 2013, 4:37 pm

Philip Gardiner, Mevagissey, has done traditional slipware in the past. His backstamp is now PG rather than pg but it might be an early piece.

Edited to say: probably Pat Grooms, Coldstone Pottery 

Jeffingtons wrote:
coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries 20130811

Side view
coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Wheat_14

Edited: Another piece has turned up with this mark, and appears to be Coldstone Pottery so merging with that thread, although it's possible it's by James Brooke or similar

Last edited by NaomiM on February 18th 2020, 3:21 pm; edited 4 times in total

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Coldstone Pottery - Chris Harries

Post by potterymad62 February 9th 2015, 4:47 pm

Very nice Chris Harries oval dish from the Coldstone Pottery. 1954 to 1968

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dsc01211

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dsc01212

Last edited by studio-pots on February 12th 2015, 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : tidying up)

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Dieter Kunzemann, Coldstone Pottery

Post by lindylou08 March 9th 2015, 6:12 pm

This dish has an impressed mark , but I think it's incomplete.
Any ideas would be welcome . I've been through the book but unable to find anything similar.

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dscn9412

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Dscn9413


Last edited by studio-pots on March 10th 2015, 9:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by Davee March 9th 2015, 6:32 pm

Dieter Kunzman, Coldstone Pottery

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by lindylou08 March 9th 2015, 9:02 pm

Thanks for that Davee

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by lindylou08 March 16th 2015, 8:51 pm

I have just seen a couple of items that at first glance appear to be by DK , this time with a wheatear decoration. However the mark isn't the same so my questions are did he ever have a different mark or are there any known potters who use the wheatear deco??
Ta muchly

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM March 16th 2015, 9:15 pm

The wheatear is a traditional style of decoration that has been used for centuries.

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM May 17th 2015, 2:10 am

Slipware fish platter by Coldstone Pottery

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Coldst11

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Coldst10

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM May 17th 2015, 2:57 am

Regretting not buying it now; nice colour.

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Coldst12

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Coldst13

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by ian Marlow June 7th 2015, 3:40 pm

This is a large dish with the typical wheat decoration and the body is typical Coldstone. I have seen this mark being sold as Coldstone but I've not been able to identify it. Any thoughts anyone?  There are no other impressed marks on the dish.

Possibly pg mark for Pat Groom, who is also thought to have potted at Coldstone Kiln - Admin

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Coldst10

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Coldst11
ian Marlow
ian Marlow

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM June 7th 2015, 6:28 pm

It is one of their shapes and patterns, but I don't know why it's stamped pg.

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Image57

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by ian Marlow June 7th 2015, 7:42 pm

That's a great match, so it's definitely Coldstone, so it's reasonable to assume then that the dish was made by one of the other potters (as yet unidentified) who worked there over the years.
And of course, as with all these potteries, the person who made the pot wasn't necessarily the person who decorated it.
ian Marlow
ian Marlow

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM August 30th 2015, 12:22 am

Marbled clay egg cup with wheat ear slip decoration.
Not his usual style of DK mark but pretty sure it's an early Dieter Kunzemann

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Image19

coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Image20 coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Image21 coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Image22

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by Shikari October 4th 2015, 1:30 pm

Definitely Evenlode: I attach a photo of my childhood eggcup bought at Evenlode in the mid-seventies.coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Image12

Last edited by Shikari on October 4th 2015, 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)

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coldstone - Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries Empty Re: Dieter Kunzemann & Chris Harries - Evenlode and Coldstone Potteries

Post by NaomiM October 4th 2015, 1:33 pm

Most Excellent A matching pair

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