Ruby vase ID help

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Ruby vase ID help Empty Ruby vase ID help

Post by puzzled March 7th 2013, 10:09 pm

We recently bought this vase. The only info the seller could give was he thought it dated pre 1950 but has no idea who the maker is.
Recently saw a pair of these in an antique shop, they were saying 1900 - 1910. Price was also horrendous in comparison to what we paid even allowing for a pair.

The description for it was "Vintage Handmade Ruby Red Overlay Glass Vase" It stands 140mm (5 1/2") tall.
Now very curious as to age and a maker if anyone can help.

Ruby vase ID help Img_0227


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Ruby vase ID help Empty Re: Ruby vase ID help

Post by JoFish March 10th 2013, 9:37 pm

Much wear to the base? Cut to clear like this is still being made today.


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Ruby vase ID help Empty Re: Ruby vase ID help

Post by puzzled March 10th 2013, 10:33 pm

Shows a little wear, our thoughts are "well looked after". Pretty lame description, I know but glass never seems to show lots of wear unless it has been pretty roughly treated.

There is a tiny and I mean tiny rough spot on the rim. The base is slightly concave and some slight marks there, assume from where the pontil was ground out ? and some use staining on the inside. See attache photo.

Colour also looks right, slight orange glow rather than yellow when held against the light.

Now to show our ignorance: Is cut to clear and overlaid the same thing? This is our first piece of this type of coloured glass so lots to learn.

Ruby vase ID help Img_0228

Number of posts : 7
Location : Qld, Australia
Registration date : 2013-03-06

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Ruby vase ID help Empty Re: Ruby vase ID help

Post by NaomiM March 11th 2013, 8:11 am

Bohemian/Czech cut glass decanter - due gto it's size it's possibly for perfume, rather than drink.
It looks to me like a piece from the latter half of the 20th century or later, where the coloured glass overlay tends to be thinner than Victorian examples.
The Victorian examples I've seen have the red overlay extending round the base, with a 'star' cut in the centre to hide the pontil scar. You'd also expect to see a distinct ring of wear around the base, unless it was a very rare piece that had never been used. Or possibly it is a Victorian example, and the base was badly chipped so it's been ground down to hide the damage.

'Cut to clear' means the red glass, overlying the clear glass, has been cut away, leaving the 'windows' of clear glass.

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Ruby vase ID help Empty Re: Ruby vase ID help

Post by Potty March 11th 2013, 10:10 am

I'm not a "glass person", but surely with the top rim this wide it must be a vase and not a decanter? Shrugs

lozzy68 wrote:I Had A Feeling It Wasn't A gnome As Studio-Pots Said There Is No Hat On Him
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Ruby vase ID help Empty Re: Ruby vase ID help

Post by NaomiM March 11th 2013, 11:11 am

Maybe. I was looking at the neck width rather than the rim.

Is there any evidence of a stopper inside the neck area, puzzled?

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Ruby vase ID help Empty Re: Ruby vase ID help

Post by JoFish March 12th 2013, 8:59 pm

I would guess a vase and made recently. In general terms, a bit small for a decanter and a bit big for a perfume. There are always exceptions of course.

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Ruby vase ID help Empty Re: Ruby vase ID help

Post by Christine March 14th 2013, 2:51 pm

I would go for fairly modern too

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