Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

Post by sunnyices2 December 31st 2012, 2:32 pm

Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Img-2067

Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Img-2068

Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Img-2069

there is a signature there that says lonoical label can't really make out the first one... the label is at the back and at the front is sign with acid etching signature

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Re: Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

Post by sunnyices2 January 1st 2013, 2:15 pm

Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Img-2070

Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Img-2071

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Re: Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

Post by brin mcardle January 1st 2013, 3:01 pm

Hi...why is it art glass...i dont know a lot about glass
brin mcardle
brin mcardle

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Re: Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

Post by sunnyices2 January 1st 2013, 4:04 pm

well that is ebay for you... when people can local a maker of an item such as this pretty lot, so they call it art glass... but from the looks of it and the design it is art blown glass :)

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Re: Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

Post by NaomiM January 1st 2013, 4:13 pm

Looks like it's made by the slump glass technique.

'Art glass' simply separates it from the mass produced glass items made for domestic or industrial uses.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Re: Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

Post by sunnyices2 January 1st 2013, 4:28 pm

cheers naomim can you make out the writing for me please? i have just removed the label so you can tell me the name... happy new year naomim

Last edited by sunnyices2 on January 1st 2013, 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Re: Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

Post by sunnyices2 January 1st 2013, 4:30 pm

Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Img-2072

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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Id help please... art glass... signed back and front  Empty Re: Id help please... art glass... signed back and front

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