help with identifying english crystal dishes

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help with identifying english crystal dishes Empty help with identifying english crystal dishes

Post by skypoop December 27th 2012, 3:15 pm


I picked these up and an estate and for the life of me cannot find these labels on any site. They are gold and yellow in color and simply say made in England. Also "England" is on the bottom of each dish. The silver tray also is engraved made in England under the handle. Its says silver and the next word is rubbed out. Maybe silver plated? Anyway, does anyone know who may have made this and when it was made?

Thanks ahead of time!

help with identifying english crystal dishes Photo_13
help with identifying english crystal dishes Photo_14
help with identifying english crystal dishes Photo_15
help with identifying english crystal dishes Photo_16

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Registration date : 2012-12-27

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help with identifying english crystal dishes Empty Re: help with identifying english crystal dishes

Post by Christine January 2nd 2013, 4:24 pm

My suspicion is that the glass is Davidson. The metal work is likely EPNS and possibly by Abrahams

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